The Incredible Benefits
Restores bladder control
Reduces Incontinence & Frequent Urination
Clients report 75% reduction in Pad Usage After 6 sessions
Strengthens Pelvic Floor Muscles
Improves Erectile dysfunction
A non-invasive procedure with no recovery time
Remain fully clothed during treatment
A comfortable procedure that lets you relax during the 30-minute treatment
Painless, Convenient 30-Minute Sessions
No Downtime
Improvements after just 1-2 sessions
About The Procedure
Our Male Rejuvenation treatment uses a breakthrough treatment for improving male incontinence AND erectile dysfunction. This non-invasive technology effectively stimulates the pelvic floor muscles, resulting in improved bladder and muscular control.
The treatment is discreet and comfortable - you sit fully clothed in a treatment chair during each 30 minute session.
Clients can not have metal in their body in the location of the treatment area.